Meme time!
1) Fear Her and Gridlock are my two favorite Tenth Doctor episodes, and I really didn't care for Family of Blood/Human Nature at all. Oh, and Xmas Invasion has been the best holiday one so far by leaps and bounds.
2) Sarah Jane and Harry were just friends. Obviously she loved Mike Yates, and I will never not be batshit about them.
3) I absolutely hate everything the new series has done with UNIT. (Disclosure: haven't seen S4 yet, but prepared to hate anyway.)
4) I like Mel better than Ace. While I like Ace in theory (and in fic), on screen she's always been a chore to watch.
5) Back to shipping: I hate Tosh/Owen with the burning passion of a thousand suns for lots of unpleasant personal reasons. While we're on Owen, I honestly didn't make the date-rape connection in the first ep until it was pointed out to me weeks later, and while I feel like a bad person about it now, I still don't really have that gut-reaction hatred a lot of people seem to.
6) The Sunmakers is the best episode of Doctor Who ever produced, and is horribly underrated.
7) I like Captain Jack and John Barrowman, but the guy really can't act. And despite his growing up in my hometown, his American accent hurts my American ears.
8) Simm's Master was complete rubbish, and his whole arc at the end of S3 was frankly embarrassing. Seriously. Roberts, camp as he was, was a more effective villain! Also, I do love Delgado, but Ainley will always be my favorite Master, eyeliner and all.
9) Romana I > Romana II, and the Rani is better than any of them.
10) Here, I'll say it-I liked Adric, even when he was a little twit. I laughed my ass off at the end of Doomsday (that beach scene was so bad it was hysterical), but Earthshock utterly destroyed me.
11) Alan Davies for Eleven! Barring that, I'd really love to see a minority or lady Doctor, but if it is a man, I want someone older and less "pretty." Pretty only leads to trouble. (If a man Doctor picks up pretty girls, does a lady Doctor pick up pretty boys?)
12) Ianto...really isn't that attractive. Like, at all. Interestingly enough, he is the only character on Torchwood that has never done something that really pissed me off. Perhaps there's a correlation.
13) LOOMS, dammit!
14) The half-human thing bothers me a lot less than it used to, honestly. Besides, it's kinda cool (or a bit of a rip) that he gets to share that distinction with one of the most iconic science fiction characters of all time.
15) Not trying to be as wanky as this is going to sound, but: There's a part of me who feels sorry for people who got into Doctor Who through the newer series, even if they got into the older stuff from there. Not because it's inherently better or worse, but because there isn't that incredible feeling of having something you love, that you thought was gone forever, suddenly coming back and new and amazing and even if it sometimes disappoints you, it's there and it's awesome. I can't even describe the way I felt watching my bootlegged copy of Rose, hearing that theme again and not knowing what was ahead, but seeing something I had loved since childhood getting a second chance and being along for the ride was pretty damn fantastic.