Tomorrow is my first day of college. Can't. Stop. Freaking. Out.
In the interests of uncluttering my mind a bit before I completely lose it,
Spoilers for crap American tv.
Point the first: Kyle KY rocks my world like a mad rocking thing. It's so predictable and half the episodes are Very Special and serve no purpose in advancing the main plot, but if that means Declan declaring his undying love for un-breaking up with Kyle after a big voiceover speech about why homophobia is bad and we should love our friends for who they are, at the GLBT dance, then I am SO THERE. Seriously. Slashiest camera pan ever. Also, maybe it's just the shows I watch, but whenever they want to do the "look, we're edgy/with the times/open-minded/whatever, we've got a homosexual couple," it always seems to be femslash. Not that I mind femslash, the Lori/Hillary was adorable and good for the point they were trying to make, but the boys need love too.
Of course, after my big rant about Declan/Jessi, it got literally retconned in favor of "nevermind, everybody still wants to have sex with Kyle," and I'm totally okay with that. Even if Kyle/Amanda is more boring than watching paint dry. But it's all okay because we got Declan and Tom being ridiculously catty and heavily implying that only they are good enough for Kyle and the other can't be trusted. And MANHANDLING! Last Monday was a slasher's dream come true, even if Declan obviously missed his calling as a Who companion. My only quibble is with the ending, because bad things can't happen to Tom! He's too awesome! *cuddles emotionally stunted borderline sociopath*
Oh, and if Baylan was the only survivor of the initial experiments, and that's why he created Kyle and presumably Jessi, was clone-mama just his random human girlfriend/sister? Because if she was advanced too, it makes Adam's confession to Kyle pretty much meaningless, which would be a shame, because god damn that was a serious emotional payoff.
Point the second: I love Eureka so hard it hurts. I don't care if it's anti-intellectual and has limited slash possibilities (Everybody loves Jack/Nathan but meee! *wails*), it's funny and clever and I want to marry half of the cast. This past week aired the best hour of television in the known universe. I know Buffy did the whole dream-sharing thing about ten years ago, but it lacked pizazz, and romance, and most importantly, Ed Quinn in a puffy shirt. Everything is better with Ed Quinn in a puffy shirt. EVERYTHING.
*cough* Anyway, the insane shippyness of it all was great. Nathan/Jo has extreme hot potential, and Jo/Fargo, which I never even considered because I am a moron, is both semi-canon and my new crack OTP. That, and even though I can't stand Allison and Jack/Allison makes me ill, Allison/Nathan is hot like burning and dear god I almost had to leave the room at that point. (However, I still maintain the batshit theory that the only reason Zoe was pleased to hear that Jack was into Allison was because that meant Zoe was free to make a move on Jo, but I digress.)
Umm, Eureka fandom? Where the hell is the Jack/Henry? They have snark too, with the bonus of actually not hating each other. Hate!sex has it's perks, but the whole odd couple/buddy-cop setup is a common trope too, so where is it hiding? I can't be alone in liking this!
Finally, next week? A dream come true. *hums the Doublemint song*
Point the third: Is it just me, or does Harry spend an awful lot of time in OotP/HBP comparing Ginny to the twins? In both looks and personality. I remember thinking that was a little strange the first time I read HBP, but on subsequent rereads it has really jumped out. Do guys really tend to compare prospective love interests to said crushes' older brothers? For that matter, do they mentally describe other men as handsome/good looking in a non-begrudging way? (I could even go so far as to say Harry has a 'type' when it comes to men: grey eyes and refined, even haughty features. Sirius, Cedric, and Tom, all repeatedly described as handsome, share these characteristics. (minus Tom's eye color))
Not in my experience, but maybe all of the guys I know are just extremely sexually repressed. It could happen. My point is, Heteronormative Projection (which sounds much better than 'Blank is Fred! No really!') strikes again. So, is Harry secretly bisexual, or does Rowling just kind of suck at description? The choice is yours.
*waves Harry/George banner anyway*
In conclusion: I do care about more than shipping. Really I do, but it's a taboo topic in my household, and my rl friends scorn my fandoms, so venting my squee to the internet keeps my brains from melting and becoming zombie treats.
P.S.: Piers Morgan? On my television? I lol'd.