Guys. Just stop. Please. Stop.
NuTrek fandom, we do not always see eye to eye and straying any closer than the periphery scares me, a lot, but for the most part you are a fun and minimally wanky place. I appreciate that more than you know.
this is irritating on a multitude of levels and people are rightfully jumping on you for it.
It isn't that I don't want to see gay characters on Star Trek. The shows have been notoriously awful at handling the topic, and that's one of my biggest pet peeves about them, because darnit, queer people of all stripes should get to have kickass space adventures too and not end up dead or evil. I would love to see a positive, non-stereotypical glbtq character on the Enterprise, be it one of the bridge crew or even a more second tier role like Chapel or Rand, and I don't think it's an unreasonable request in 2009.
If this petition were addressing that, I'd probably support it, even if online petitions are pretty much useless, but it isn't. Wrap it up in whatever appropriating language you want, but this is about one specific ship. Yes, Kirk/Spock is the grandaddy of slash as we know it and people have been analyzing their relationship for forty-odd years, but it isn't canon, and it doesn't need to be.
Trust me, after all this time, do you really want the writers fucking it up? Canon is a double-edged sword.
That and in the reboot, I'm sorry to say it, but Kirk/Spock has changed. A lot. The years of trust and friendship TOS shows just aren't there. Maybe two or three films down the road they will be, but what we have so far has only planted the seeds. Besides, Spock/Uhura is canon now, and as many people as that annoyed, there are going to be just as many pissed off if she becomes just the Girl of the Movie after an unceremonious break-up. You can bet your ass I will be one of them.
The whole thing reeks of entitlement and makes slash fans and even fanfic writers in general look bad. If you want your OTP validated that badly, own up to it, don't dress it up with gay rights language to make it look legit. If it really was about positive media portrayals of glbtq characters, the ship or lack thereof wouldn't matter. Now pull up your pants and say what you mean.