- The remains of a bag of Purdue Shortcuts a few days past the sell-by date but smell and taste fine.
- A quarter of a red onion from got-knows-when but which still looks and acts like an onion and is not oozing anything.
- Four cloves of garlic (two of which were peeled a week and a half ago and then refrigerated because I wanted to demonstrate my amazing garlic peeler for my sister when she was visiting)
- A tablespoon of peanut butter (it could have used more actually)
- Pepper
- Tabasco
- 1/2-cup of rice
- Peanut oil
I sautéed the onions in the oil in a frying pan, then added the garlic, then added the chicken, then the pepper and tabasco, and then I was like "I know! Peanut butter!" I threw in the rice when it was cooked (in a rice cooker, which is a wonderful invention), mixed it up, and voila.
These leftovers weren't as questionable as the last time I made a meal of questionable leftovers (this time the chicken accounted for most of the risk). I made this for myself last night and then waited until I was sure I wasn't sick to post about it. It is posted here so I may try it again sometime with non-questionable ingredients.