Every weeknight at 10pm, WNYC airs a Canadian radio program called
Q with Jian Gomeshi. It's a talk show with a wide range of guests from international news figures to Canadian folk musicians. I often happen to catch it on my ride home. When I have my wits about me, I try to time my ride so as to miss the John Schaefer programs flanking the ten-o'clock hour.
One day recently, I got the
Moxy Früvous song
My Baby Loves a Bunch of Authors stuck in my head. It occurred to me that the first time I heard this song I hadn't read any of the
authors mentioned in it. In the process of looking up the lyrics, I came across the name "Jian" referring to one of the band members. I thought that was a peculiar name to come across twice in the same country (when the country is not Iran), and further investigation brought me to realize that the host of Q and the former member of Moxy Früvous are one and the same! I'd never known the names of any of the band members. It was briefly mind-blowing.
And I have now read two of the authors mentioned in the song (Atwood and Garcia Marquez).