Two things I really liked about Gayby

Apr 05, 2013 20:22

A while back, I saw a movie called Gayby being advertised on Facebook. It looked cute, so I liked it in hopes that information on how to see it (when it was in theaters and where, etc.) would magically appear on my Facebook feed. Now that I think about it, I think this was a WHILE back, though I'm not sure how long ago.

Anyway, the information finally did magically appear, and it told me the movie was available on Netflix. Although you can stream it, I'm a little old fashioned, so I put it on my disc queue. I watched it on Wednesday while eating tortellini and keeping my cats out of the tortellini.

I don't feel like doing an in-depth review right now, but I will say that I thought it was witty and well-done (especially after having just streamed the first three Eating Out movies; why did I do that to myself?). It was well-acted. The script was colloquial without sounding like it was trying to be. It just worked.

The first thing that stuck with me is that no one in the film has a boring desk job. No desk jobs at all, actually. The male lead works in a comics store; the female lead is a yoga instructor. Her sister is a hairdresser. The best friend of the male lead works in a boutique of some kind. Everyone else we meet is either a coworker of one of the leads or we don't find out their occupation (except for a doctor). It may not be very realistic, but these people are all living their relatively comfortable lives on salaries from jobs that seem to be their passion.

The second thing I'd like to mention is Mike Doyle is in this film. You may recognize him, as I do, as O'Halloran from Law & Order: SVU, a fairly small but recurring role. When he left the series I sort of lazily wondered what he was up to, and now I know. He was adorable as always.

This movie is good for a laugh. It's good for probably 76 laughs at least. Go watch it.
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