Wisdoms and Truisms 451-460

Jan 07, 2013 11:35

Happy True Year!
  1. There's no place like slut for the holidays.
    This was too early for SantaCon (Nov 2) so I'm not sure what inspired this.
  2. Always bring a safety book
    Horrifically, Sharon finds herself without the company of a book on her travels.
  3. Andrew makes better choices than his smart phone does.
    Auto-correct has shown this is true of most of us.
  4. Gooooooooood = Hillbillies.
    An exception to Truism #453, this is a case in which I preferred my phone's word choice.
  5. Onion milk: that's the truth.
    This happened in the kitchen.
  6. Andrew = 1/10 Sharon
    When it comes to our respective reading speeds, this is empirically true.
  7. Sharon's soul is hot pink and green.
    Conveniently, those are the paint colors Bethany has available for portraiture.
  8. Land mines are very hit or miss.
    Cards Against Humanity, 'nuff said.
  9. If it's Robert Downey, Jr. it's not rape.
    As per Sharon's definition.
  10. If you're in a Disney movie, always listen to the horse.
    Also based on empirical evidence.
These truisms cover November and December and just barely peek into 2013. Sharon was clearly the star of this batch, but Bethany and our new year's co-host Matt were also featured. Also, onion milk.

wisdoms and truisms

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