thefridayfive 1. What book or books were special to you in your childhood?
I loved: Berenstain Bears, Jamberry, Richard Scarry, Cam Jansen.
2. What was particularly special or memorable about those books?
The Berenstain Bears: I loved that there were so many of them. Jamberry: the illustrations. Richard Scarry: WORDS! Cam Jansen: I loved that she had a photographic memory and I wished that I did too.
3. Have you re-read any of them as an adult?
4. If so, were the books as good as you remembered them?
5. What do you think about movies being made out of children's classics (like the Chronicles of Narnia, Lord of The Rings, etc.)?
I love it when they make movies out of books, children's or otherwise. Even if they end up sucking, it's always interesting to see someone else's interpretation of a book you read. It's also fun to see the characters and events acted out on screen, regardless of how accurate they are to the original.