Interesting fact you may not have known about me #29

Feb 01, 2006 00:43

29. Guilty pleasure
I LOVE the Olive Garden. I was never afraid to shout it from the rooftops until I went away to college and met a bunch of snotty Jews. We all went out to the Olive Garden for our last meal before fasting on Yom Kippur. The topic of our favorite restaurants came up and each person shared theirs. They were all very specific and fancy about it. It came to my turn and I admitted that the very restaurant we were sitting in was my favorite. There were some groans and some laughs, and one person scoffed and said that I couldn't pick a chain as my favorite restaurant. How very plebian. How pitiful.

It had never occurred to me that loving the Olive Garden might be something I should keep to myself, but after that evening I was careful who I told it to. Years later, I saw an episode of Will & Grace in which The Olive Garden was depicted as the lame restaurant that Will and Grace's lame, boring friends swore by. It verified for me that loving the Olive Garden was something to be ashamed of.

It wasn't until I went to NJ for Inventory Supervisor training with Beth and discovered a mutual love for the Olive Garden with her, and then came back and told Nikki about it and bonded with her over our love for the Olive Garden that I discovered it was okay. I could come back out of the Olive Garden-loving closet!

Tomorrow (today) is Nikki's birthday and we're celebrating it at the Olive Garden, and I'm SO excited.

interesting facts

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