Hello blogosphere!

Aug 13, 2017 13:27

Well, I have decided to try this whole "online life" idea that is rampart now a days. I might as well embrace the future of blogging and putting my thoughts online for the world to see. I guess it never really mattered to me before in my life as I was focused on other things, like trying to survive! I now have come to the realization that trying to survive life is unavoidable. We all die in the end anyways don't we? So I guess the next logical step for me with that thought process is, start a blog! ;)

I don't know what will come of this blog, nor do I know my end game or intent as of yet. What I do know, is that I made the leap to put my thoughts and my brain online. Isn't that the way to do things in 2017?

In the near future I will attempt to learn the ins and outs of this journal life. I like learning as I go in some instances. This may be one of them. For now I guess I can start sharing random thoughts that I have that I may think would interest others. I have been known to have great ideas and thought, but my only problem was putting them out there. They just stayed in the brain and they never made their way out to the world. I guess I can use this as a platform for that.

I do have some interests that I may speak of in the future: Health, fitness, education, finance, technology, world history and social engineering to name a few.

If my writing is hard to understand or even follow, I apologize as I am not proficient in putting thoughts to paper in the best way. Tact is my downfall which I am aware of and you may catch that in this writing as well as in my future writings.

I am a little excited to see where this goes. As with anything in life, enjoy the process.

I hope to hear from anyone willing to chat and talk about anything that may come from my journal. <-- This read as the old yahoo chat room days, "a/s/l".


#newtoblogs, #2017, #helloworld
