Season 4 Part 12: Raven

Feb 03, 2013 15:12

Late again - another busy week and weekend for me - but not so very late. Glad to see some conversation rolling on last week's installment! Today we're reading Raven, which follows from "Snare" and is written by the same sterling author, Ares.

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raven, re-read

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Comments 6

ares132006 February 5 2013, 06:17:53 UTC
Thank you once again, Kairos, for introducing one of my stories ( ... )


dralf_burns February 8 2013, 08:24:21 UTC
Wow I'm just having all sorts of awful luck tonight. I've hit the backspace key twice only to be taken away from the page, my comment erased. Okay, let's try this again... Also a fair warning before this begins: I'm writing late at night because this is the first real free time I've managed in a while, so I apologize for any ramble-yness ( ... )


ares132006 February 9 2013, 03:25:59 UTC
Don't you just hate it when LJ moves you on, or freezes and you lose all that you have written. I now copy constantly, to try and avoid that fate. *hugs you*

Thank you for making such a huge effort, twice.

You have Andrew in a nutshell. Yes, he was supposed to be a new watcher in training, but I rather think that Andrew was an opportunist! I had to handle him carefully because Giles and Buffy had trusted him with Dawn. No mean undertaking. I never liked the twerp, pleasure! :)

And Angel! Oh yes! He's not a tame vampire. He's Angelus with a soul. He's nobody's lackey. And he did kill humans in Season 5 of Angel. In Conviction he killed the hit team sent out to kill those school kids. There is a line he will cross and he has done.

I like this darker version of Angel. Which is why I like writing him so much.

Once again, thank you for your wonderful review.



perpetual February 11 2013, 16:26:12 UTC
Wow, Dralf, great post! I especially like what you say about Andrew. Redemption is hard work, and getting past the part when it's all glory and romance is the real measure of a person. I don't think he's a bad person, just weak.

Also interested in your use of the word 'imprint' to describe a vampire's memory of love. Reminds me of Dollhouse - the imprint is what the mind believes it is, but ultimately it's a lie.


ital_gal March 16 2013, 11:22:50 UTC
Great story that had me on the edge of my seat, loved the mystery and the chase and the battles..

Completely agree with everything that Dralf said, it was a great post -- both the comments about Andrew and Angel were spot on.. so I won't try to better them here

I thought these were all great new characters, both good and bad..

thanks again Ares


ares132006 March 16 2013, 23:05:14 UTC
You're welcome!




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