Season 4 Part 10: Thomas

Dec 01, 2012 22:31

Coming in a little late this week, but since comments have been so slow lately I don't think anyone will mind...we've wrapped up over at iwry_marathon, so if you've been kept busy reading and commenting over there, I hope you're soon to return to us and dispense your lovely thoughts at Project Paranormal once again.

Today we're reading Thomas by the lady at ( Read more... )


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Comments 10

scribesds December 2 2012, 21:25:51 UTC
2. Thomas is one of those loose threads that could have been picked up at a later date, if we had so chosen. As it stands here, Thomas is just an imaginary person, but very real to little Ruth.

4. We needed a messenger to bring information to Giles, and it had to be somebody we - the reader - knew to be absolutely trustworthy. He was the perfect candidate, really.

This was my last story for PP. As you say, there are only five stories left, and while we were working to tie up as many loose ends as possible we needed to keep the story interesting for readers. We were not going out with crappy storytelling! But it was a sad time for us, all the same, knowing the end was nigh.


ares132006 December 3 2012, 06:09:36 UTC
I cannot remember if I had an imaginery friend when I was a child. Does having a love of Buffy and Angel count? I'm sure it does. One doesn't have to be a child to experience the wonders of the unseen.


I really thought Thomas was real. A demon or a ghost communicating with Ruth. I was surprised with the telepathy.

Mmm...what other stories had telepathy featured? The one where Buffy had the aspect of the demon and could hear everyone's thoughts, except for Angel's and othr vampires. Were there others?

It was a nice surprise to have Oz come calling. I suppose the name Daniel was a clue, if anyone had twigged, that is. Very clever, Dark Star.

Lips sealed about the apocalypse. And sadly, there are only five stories to go.

We could have done so much more, had planned to, hadn't we, Dark Star, but people move on and so do writers.

Thank you, Dark Star, for an intriguing tale. A great lead up to the next installment.



scribesds December 9 2012, 16:51:44 UTC
Sorry Ares, I don’t know how I missed this one.

We could have done so much more, had planned to, hadn't we, Dark Star, but people move on and so do writers.

Oh, yes - we had loads of plans, but without enough writers we couldn’t have kept up the pace and the quality would have suffered. Look at this season - fifteen stories and no less than six of them were written by you. You know that I used to like a gap of at least four or five stories before an author had to turn in another one, I have no idea how you did it, to be honest. That’s what finally decided me that enough is enough. But what a hard decision that was, knowing how much PP was loved.

Thank you for reading, Ares.


dralf_burns December 15 2012, 05:52:18 UTC
I had fallen behind considerably due to finals and end-of-semester papers. But finals are done and I got here at last.

I had imaginary friends though I never thought they were real. They were just fun buddies to keep me company, specifically on car rides because I always got bored there. I had a frog named Frogger. Kinda cartoon-y and she could jump and keep along with the cars and would ride on the window sometimes. My sister, only a year younger, had a similar imaginary friend and our imaginary friends were sister frogs. Then there was also this little dragon-like creature. I can't remember his name, but he liked eating things. Containers, power lines, trees, whatever was available.

I definitely thought Thomas was something creepy. A demon, most likely. Possibly a ghost. The telepathy was a pleasant twist to the tale.

Oz! I was similarly delighted with his appearance. I don't think he'll be around long, but I'm really happy to see him here. Even if he is the messenger of apocalyptic news. Very excited for the next story.


perpetual December 27 2012, 18:18:15 UTC
Thanks for keeping up with commenting on PP! We'll be back before you know it, I swear. And I loved your descriptions of your imaginary friends. :)


ital_gal March 7 2013, 16:06:55 UTC
Poor Thomas, even the first time I read the story I thought he was creepy might turn into something else, but Oz's appearance at the end of the story always makes him suddenly just a supporting player..
I can't recall ever having an invisible friend, but my mom tells the story of me looking at things that weren't there as if there was something or someone often enough for her to have vaguely worried about it, until I suddenly just stopped...

This story definitely has the feeling of leading up to something bigger, at first it seems like whoever Thomas might be is going to be the thing that gets us there..

Can't believe there are only five stories left, it seems like there is so much more to tell before we get to then end..


anonymous March 10 2013, 13:01:16 UTC
This was a nice little story by Dark Star. It served as a short, simple little case with a nice vacation for Buffy and Angel and a few tidbits about other characters we care about and a clue hinting at future events. What could those burnt pieces of paper say? Faith- wanting to settle down- who would have thought? And it was an awesome surprise to see Oz again. I particularly liked Martha’s reaction upon finding out that their guest was a werewolf ( ... )


perpetual March 11 2013, 01:47:02 UTC
Those are the reasons that "Earshot" is my favorite episode. Telepathy is such a fascinating idea, and Oz is such a fascinating character.

Thanks for sticking with us and offering your comments again. :)


anonymous March 11 2013, 12:17:48 UTC
I just remembered another case of telepathy we've come across-the little girl from the story "Rites of Spring". It was so casually inserted into that story that I didn't even think about it when reading question 3.



perpetual March 12 2013, 23:09:24 UTC
Nice one! I forgot her too.


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