Mar 07, 2006 18:51
So my entire english class had a conversation about you today... Were reading sonnets in class and Guth asked us to raise our hands if we're in love... So I did. and AJ jumped all over me, saying how could I be in love at 18 and that love didnt even exist and I just looked at him and i said "There are different kinds of love... You can love your parents differently than you love your friends and you can love significant others. But to be IN love... To be TRUELY MADLY DEEPLY IN LOVE means that you are thinking about them every second of the day and you can name the EXACT MOMENT in time that you fell in love with that person. You still get the same feelings in your stomach when you talk to them as you did when you first met them and every time you talk to them you smile. And every time you hear their voice you smile and every time they laugh you smile and every time they press enter and send you another message on yahoo you smile. Or even when that stupid moniter on your computer makes that stupid ringing noise that lets you know they are IMing you or when your AIM moos at you because they signed online... But no matter what, no matter the fights youve had the arguements you get into, the time spent away from eachother, in your heart you know that the only thing keeping you from them is you.. and that no matter what you know you will be with them for the rest of your life wether you have to walk to the end of the earth for them or not.... THATS when you know youre in love... and I'm in love. And i have never felt so happy in my entire life as i do when I talk to him... When he says my name... when he IMs me. When my stupidcomputer makes that stupid ringing noise letting me know that he's IMing me or when my AIM moos because it signifies that he got online and everything else I just said... Because to me, he's the only thing that matters. And WE know that if it takes days or months or years we WILL be together no matter how no matter when no matter where. We WILL be together because i DO remeber when It was i first fell for him." ANd Rodney... I fell for you the moment you said my name. Not because of your sexy southern accent or your hot voice or anything but the fact that it was YOU saying my name... and I dont ever want anyone to say it the way you said it again. I love you Rodney Wayne Murdoch... And wether you go to Buena Vista or not next year is our year and no matter when no matter how no matter where... I WILL see you. And I wont ever let you go.
So yeah... Im in love with him and theres no doubting that. Im just glad everyone in my ENglish class knows it now. Haha. They all looked at me like i was crazy but they all said how profound it was... Im just glad they undestand.