May 13, 2005 01:37
so i took down a bunch of shiznit in my room and put it in boxes and stuff and i also took down my posters. its hardcore, the only thing that isnt in a box that that is out in its normal place are half my movies, my laptop, my tiny bit of clothes, my microwave, tv, dvd player, and bed. oh yeah, but when i went to move one of my posters, guess what the fuck was just chillin' on the other side!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! THATS RIGHT A MOTHERFUCKING SPIDER. I TOOK A GODDAMN PAPER TOWEL AND MASHED HIM UP INTO NOTHING. I SEPARATED EVERY ATOM FROM HIS WORTHLESS PIECE OF SHIT NO GOOD BODY. SERIOUSLY, ALL SPIDERS NEED TO GO BACK HOME. UNLESS THEYRE HUGE AS FUCK, LIKE THAT ONE AT THE ZOO, THEN THEY NEED TO BE SHOT WITH A DOUBLE BARREL SHOTGUN 34903902392039029320399203 TIMES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
*3 deep breaths sean, there we and out*