Yes I am here! your updates is right on my friend page! And I would not, I repeat, I would never missed a het Jun fic :) And it sounds interesting so I went on and read that you've posted so far!
I am glad if you like the progress. I am not so sure of it myself at first because it wont fulfill most reader's expectations XD
Well I've given it a thought. I mean the point of writing fanfics is for us to enjoy it right, i mean there's no pressure to please anyone in that and not that you can earn a living by writing fanfics XD So I guess I just put it aside a bit and just prefer what's the best for the fic.
Actually if you count maotsujun fics as jun het fics, there are a lot of jun het fics. but less oc fics
It is so rare nowadays, you know? :)
It's not ready to be posted, but I wanted to read your updates so badly so I posted up the best I could XD
And I love the progress your fic has made! :D
And it sounds interesting so I went on and read that you've posted so far!
I am glad if you like the progress. I am not so sure of it myself at first because it wont fulfill most reader's expectations XD
You're right, there isn't enough Jun het fics around, there's alot of Nino though.... maybe Sho too.
Actually if you count maotsujun fics as jun het fics, there are a lot of jun het fics. but less oc fics
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