Dude Court

Oct 14, 2007 16:53

The case: Lauryn, Liam, Nick, Rob and I are in a car going to Joe's Oktoberfest party. Upon reflection we realize that had Nick's girlfriend, Mayumi, agreed to tag along one of us would not have been able to come along as the car would become over full. In response to this I jokingly said that we would place her in the trunk. Nick, in defense of his paramour, said that he'd put me in the trunk to which I respond (quite matter of factly) bros before hos.

The question: Am I still allowed to utilize the phrase "Bros before Hos" when in congress with a group of long term guy friends?

When the question was presented at the party, much to my chagrin, we were left with what one can only label a hung jury which, given the term "Dude Court", well... I'd go on but, honestly, you've already made that logical but wholly sophomoric leap, haven't you?

I put it to you, internet: in the context of a transgendered women and her guy friends: does there become a point wherein defenses such as 'bros before hos' cease to be valid. Or is the term 'bro' merely a term to describe a frined or ally and a 'ho' one whom has become part of the group only be means of partaking of intercourse with one of said 'bros'? If you choose the latter then how does one define Lauryn who qualifies as both friend, girlfriend, ex girlfirend, and even distant relative in the context of the other parties in the car?

Dude Court is now in session (Dude Court does not have a theme song so, instead, just imagine the theme song to the Peoples' Court at this time).
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