What Does SB Stand For?

Apr 19, 2013 17:06

Ok, this was my burning question as I read the workout Chris sent me yesterday. As it turned out, I had a meeting run over, and therefore did not work out (by myself) but rather went to lunch (not by myself).

Apparently you can do things like SB tricep extensions, or SB chest presses … single something or other? Straight Back? No, none of those seemed right.

Even the Crab did not know. None of us could figure it out.

Chris said it was right in front of us … stability ball. Oh, yeah, like who calls it that? Not me … which may explain why I was so mystified.

I do know (after asking in an email yesterday when I harbored good thoughts of still working out) what a power squat it.

And so in that sense, power squats go. Side lunges, go. Get your mats, side planks, go. Other side. On your backs, bicycle crunches, go. Get up, jumping jacks, go. Repeat whole thing.

Go get some weights (light - Crab and Bear, 7.5s, Dolores, not sure).

Power squats, while weights held shoulder height until he tells us to stop and immediately go into shoulder presses, then back into power squats, then back to presses, then back to power squats. Reverse lunges with rotations, holding one weight shoulder height. Drop your weight (seriously, is it really that easy?), on your backs, bicycle crunches, reverse planks (hate ‘em), stand up, squat jacks. Repeat entire circuit.

Holy cannoli. That’s a lot of exercises. It obviously morphed into a cardio-core day, since none of us worked out yesterday.

I’d like to eat a cannoli, followed by some chocolate cake doughnuts and then a big plate of spaghetti Bolognese … can you tell, I’m seriously hungry right now for bad things. Bad, delicious things, as it turns out.

Of course, all week, we've been obsessed with what's happening in Boston. No one worked out together yesterday, and I didn't write on Tuesday, despite the fact that we did work out that day (and rather hard) ...

I did crack on Chris that I might work harder during a session if he rewarded me with a salmon from time to time. We bears like salmon.

Just a thought.

The Bear

core and cardio

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