Apr 04, 2013 13:53
Today was another one of those mixed cardio and core workouts. Helen and Jayne had to miss … and Chris bailed too. It was down to Russkaya, Dolores and the Bear. We held up our end of the stick.
Jumping jacks, go. Side lunges, go. Push presses with light weights (up to 7.5 lbs), go. Cross countries, go. Rest.
Front planks, go. Bicycles, go. Bird dogs with alternate 2 second extensions, go. Back extensions, go. Rest
Repeat entire two circuits.
Jumping jacks, go. Reverse lunges, go (I wrote: reverse lunches, which is what, like throwing up?). V-ups, go. Side planks (30 seconds each side), go. Squat jacks, go (the Bear faltered on this one … big time). Lateral hops, go. Alternate leg raises, go. Hip thrusts, go.
Then go away.
Just kidding. Then cool down stretches, starting from on the floor (since we were there for the hip thrusts). No particular order.
Russkaya kept us going, reading off the order from the list. Bear did the timing, using her new iphone. Dolores entertained.
We did not discuss pizza (Dolores doesn’t eat pizza, or any food with cheese). We didn’t talk about drinking. There was no mention of how hawt Chris is. Nor did we discuss potatoes. In short, I think it was Invasion of the Body Snatchers.
On the other hand, body parts moved, hearts pumped, no one was injured, and the Bear got to her favorite part of the workout: the shower.
Some days, it’s a good day.
The Bear
PS Helen, hope your boy feels better. The rest of us: we work out tomorrow, gotta keep body parts moving.
cardio and core