
May 24, 2007 09:06

i'm starting to feel as though there isn't enough time left. for what? not sure.. but god damnit if i need to start doing something.

need to make a conscious effort to write something... anything.. daily.
take at least one photograph everyday.
play piano at least 4 hours per week.
get up early to walk the dog every morning. spend more time in parks, but what about sweeping twice a week and mopping once a week and all of my other duties? how do i fit it all in?

summer (and beyond)list:
go to the mountains
fly a kite
ride to sabino canyon. or A Mountain?
find abandoned buildings for picture taking
go bowling
play air hockey. where can you do that in tucson?
more shuffleboard
deatil & buy new parts for my bike.
comic con!
weekend trip to ca.
convince people to visit me.
learn spanish.

to be continued.
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