Staff Review

Feb 28, 2010 04:09

Bright has called a staff gathering, to go over the current contained SCPs. Again, this is for Researchers and Agents Only.

"All right, here's what we have, that I've interacted with, and my recommendations.

SCP-2001, Euclid, let's keep it contained for now. Weird little shit.

SCP-2002, Euclid, but seems like we could bend her easily.

SCP-2003, Euclid, Immortals, god how I despise them.

SCP-2004, Euclid, A shadow knight? He claims anyways. It's is imperative we keep him away from SCP-2009, as they are apparently married. That's a leverage we can use.

SCP-2005, Euclid, I want him on a diet of pure processed meat products, as an experiment.

SCP-2007, Euclid, don;t let him have his tool back, it shouldn't have to be said. Pryokinetic.

SCP-2008, Euclid, and dangerous. Keep this one locked up. Someone figure out how yo use that device we took from him.

SCP-2009, Euclid, again, I'm restating the rule that she is not to be allowed physical contact with SCP-2004, no matter what, understood?

SCP-2010, Euclid....Sigh. Little Children skips, they worry me. We don't want another 'Coldplay' on our hands, do we? I'm requistioning more telekill to be made, to keep his cell well lined. I honestly think Telekill is a must have for this site.

SCP-2011, Eculid..." Bright Smiles. "I'm all for testing this thing on 682. Similar enough, it might be able to do something.

SCP-2013, safe, I recommend giving this one some sort of filwork job, make use of him.

SCP-2014, Euclid, but dangerous. The vampire appears to be quite strong, I recomend reinforcing her containment.

SCP-2015, Safe, let's see if we can get him to work.

SCP-2017, Safe, let's give the negro a broom, let him clean up, his kind are used to such work.

SCP-2021... " Bright takes a deep breath. His hand may shake a little. "Keter. We need to find a way to confine this thing, and we need to find that way FAST. Some of you may know, I've been with the Foundation longer then anyone, barring a couple of O5's, and NONE of the SCPs I've encountered have ever scared me like this one does. For those not in the know, this one claims to be coyote, a trickster spirit of Native American Myth. Tricksters? Are BAD news. They would find a containment breach, or a security breach, absolutely HILARIOUS. So, we NEED him confined, or neutralised.

2023,dangerous Euclid a demon of some sort. No one sign any deals with him, kay?

2025,Euclid, possible outer dimesnion entity. Keep a close eye on him.

2026, Euclid, another demon of some sort. No deals, seen?

2027, Euclid, another vampire, the Kondraki Cannons are trained on his cell. Let's see how he handles being without blood for a couple days, hmm?

2028, Euclid, a magician, seems amiable enough.

2030...." Bright sighs and rubs his temple. "Okay people, someone want to tell me why we have an intelligent SCP unconfined in the breakroom? Someone strap a locater chip to the damned thing."

He sits back, hands folded together. "Questions, comments, concerns? Notes on the ones I've missed?"

doctor jack bright

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