001 [audio]

Oct 24, 2010 15:02

[Kadaj was the type to quickly grow restless. He may still be feeling oddly weak and disorientated, but that wasn’t going to stop him from wandering off into the city, searching for a way to cure his boredom. For those few-very few-who might actually notice or care about his absence, he’s simply disappeared without a trace for several hours, before he finally speaks up on the network. The audio, at first, is nothing more than silence interspersed with static, and the faint sound of what are probably footsteps. It’s a minute or two after the footsteps stop that his voice is heard.]

This city… It’s different to the last one. [A pause, and a thoughtful hum.] It reminds me of Edge. One city built out of the ruins of another. More proof that humans never learn.

[A loud clatter, as though Kadaj had just kicked something over. Careless, spiteful.]

It’s surrounded by wasteland, too. I wonder how far away from the city you can-

[His words are cut short by a sudden flurry of movement. There’s an irritable hiss and the sound of a sword being drawn. It’s difficult to distinguish what’s going on, but whatever happens, it’s brief. A thud, loud scrabbling, odd noises that didn’t sound human. A choked gasp, and then the sound of footsteps once more- running footsteps, markedly uneven.

A minute later, the feed falls back into silence and static. A minute more, and Kadaj speaks again.]

…And monsters. Wasteland and monsters. Just like Edge. [There’s the slightest tremble in his voice, quickly hidden by a short, bitter laugh.] …Tch. This is stupid.

[And he cuts the connection.]

rikku, liquid snake, !kadaj, sonic

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