New Years interactive radio broadcast

Jan 01, 2011 01:08

[A jazz track comes to an end with a heavy tambourine punctuated with a saxaphone that fades away]

Hey! Hasn't this year been great! This is the final countdown to the New Year with Ariadne at EHY Radio! We're getting in the mood with some callers once we've brought the New Year in, but until then how about a recap of the year so far!

Back in the Spring a huge duststorm brought in a rain of radioactive fish instead of our usual snow for this time of year. Even months later contaminated fish were found in the sewers, and are probably down there even now! In Summer a plague of mutated cats overran the city after eating all the rainfish, and only an order from Imago to bring in the animals dead or alive saved us from being overrun!

There was also a vast influx of brand new Awakened to the city, bringing with them some amazing stories and claiming to be from brilliant new places. Well, they can't help it, you know. One of them opened a great new restaurant after they won the lottery, and my colleague George will be reviewing it in the New Year. They grow up so fast, huh?

Oh look! It's almost twelve already. Where did the time go?

Time to count down! Are you ready?











Happy New Year!


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