Dec 23, 2010 08:59


Several missing person reports were filed early this morning following the supposed disappearance of a handful of mutants. While disappearances about this time of year are commonplace, the strange circumstances surrounding this particular string has called into question whether or not they are linked, sparking rumours among Boston's conspiracy theorists as to a variety of different possibilities, with the most outrageous being abduction by UFOs.

Said Bernard Albright: "It's pretty obvious these people were abducted by visitors from other planets. If you think about it it all makes perfect sense. All these people vanishing! People don't just vanish like that." Mr. Albright has claimed to have been abducted on multiple occasions, however, and on one such occasion three witnesses identified him in an ACRO line-up. He is currently serving a 4 year sentence within the SE for larceny.

But wait, that's not the last line in this twisted and peculiar tale! ACRO apparently raided an empty dance studio where friends of the missing persons claim they were last seen only to find the remnants of a party long-over. There were signs of a struggle, but agents found little more than rotting cold cuts and stale cookies by means of evidence.

Those in the know are beginning to suspect Zarathustra for the bizarre disappearances. Zarathustra is a conspiracy theorists' dream, an untraceable organisation with its roots in decades of history, spearheaded by the mysterious 'Id'. Id has spoken only once during the last year, but after the huge influx of Mutants earlier this Autumn, many people have begun to suspect that he might speak again.

Said Michael DeLancy, failed career-author of 'Boston Conspiracies and Ghost Stories' and long time bed turner at the Weary Feet Travel Inn told us: "Zarathustra is well known to be a strong voice professing the dangers of Mutants, and due to their past links to kidnapping, it isn't a stretch to imagine that they are behind the recent disappearances too."

This reporter thinks it's all a crock of nonsense, Most people who disappear at this time of year return after a few days having done little more than overdrink at their office parties. Then again, alien abduction is a lot easier to substantiate than having spent the night with the girl who counts the paperclips.

[ooc: the second log for the plot is going up. keep in mind that the five unlucky participants are missing completely, which means they can't respond to any network posts either. watch this space for further developments]

*article, *news, *eyewitness

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