002; voice

Dec 20, 2010 20:33

All right, is there anybody else planning to go to the Reclamation Beach-thing for the first sunrise of the new year two weeks from now? It's going to be cold, but I'm planning to camp out there for most of early morning. Maybe drop by the ski lodge earlier in the evening and just stay in there, though I'm not sure they'd let me in, being a poor, broke teenager and all. It's worth a try, right? I'd like to drop by a shrine for hatsumode, too, but somehow it doesn't really look like what passes for a church over here would be welcoming for that sort of thing. You ever listened to them when they preach on the streets? Those white-robed people? They're actually pretty creepy!

You know, I actually wasn't all that serious about observing the traditions back home. Visit the local shrine with my family and maybe go hang out with my classmate, sure, but it wasn't really something I felt like doing. Funny how that works.

!shiki tohno, prima, roxas

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