...So. This Christmas thing -
If we're to believe the stories we're being fed here - and, well, at least the nuclear war part seems like it's a fact... - then this means the North Pole was affected too, right?
Does that mean -
- it can't. Santa Claus isn't dead, is he? It's one thing if you believe he's not real, but if you claim that he died,
Read more... )
[Sorry. Another one that doesn't even know Christmas, at all]
...Santa Claus. You know, the guy that actually delivers the presents to kids on Christmas...? There's no Christmas without Santa, and no Santa without Christmas.
I've never gotten any presents while I was young... does that mean he is one of these rich people that only give presents to other rich people?
[He so totally doesn't like rich people.]
[A snort.]
And how is he able to deliver presents to everyone? Or does he have an Entelexeia like Ba'ul?
Flying sleigh? Rein...deer? Uh... Maybe I shouldn't be surprised... we do fly in a ship with Ba'uls help. What's a rein..deer?
An animal. Sorta like...a normal deer.
I see. What's a deer?
[Too bad they don't have 'normal'-animals where he is from. You know, at least not normal for you.]
...Okay. What kind of animals DO you know? Horses? You know what a horse is, right?
[He shudderes at the remembrance how cold he was inside and out.]
Horse? Can you eat that, or what are you doing with it?
[Too bad their 'horses' have other names, even though I used horse once because I couldn't find the name of the real ones. Argh.]
Well, you can. That's pretty much frowned upon, though, I think. Mostly they're pack animals. You ride on them. ... Deer are a little like that, only smaller and with antlers.
Ah. I see. So a little like our quiettas, the animals the knights ride on?
[The look something like this only brown.]
So they have something on their head, like horns? And they can even fly?
Exactly. And only Santa's reindeer can fly, as far as I know.
Ah! So they are as intelligent as the Entelexeia? Like Ba'ul? He could fly too and communicate with Judy.
...You lost me at Entelex, kid.
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