chapter o1. § [audio]

Dec 08, 2010 12:32

[There's fumbling noises for a while; someone getting adjusted to a new device. It's different than his last one. A wristwatch, really? That just... that sits at a really uncomfortable place.]

So what exactly is this place supposed to be? Last time I looked outside, it didn't look anything like this. And I'm pretty sure the door was still locked before I went to sleep yesterday.

...And it was March.

I need to get back. Or wake up. Or something. Am I the only one here who thinks all these pamphlets are lies? If there's a way here, there's got to be a way out. I woke up here, yeah, but I didn't start here. I know my own memories, thanks, and they aren't just dreams.

!hope estheim, red medic, miles edgeworth, seth

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