
Nov 24, 2010 23:56

It's laundry day.

[Hers is the type of voice that's got a lot of potential to be incredibly sunny and uplifting. Right now it's- curt.]

Now, I'm going to give some friendly advice for anyone who's living with someone else, especially when that someone else tends to do household chores - not because they absolutely have to, I'm well aware of that, but because it's a nice thing to do and they like their housemates enough to keep things nice.


Here's the thing. I kind of like doing laundry. It's not so bad. And as long as I'm lending a hand, I don't mind chores, you know? I like to try and pull my weight. [Sure, she's signed up for the BHA, but Triela's idea of pulling her own weight is kind of like 'doing everything I can to make my superiors at ease,' and so on.] But.


You. All of you. What do you do with your socks when you take them off? After you've been out there where it's really dangerous and probably not checking in with that laundry-doing housemate as often as you should, [by which she means every two minutes SHE WORRIES, OKAY, AND IS PROJECTING,] and you've been really active and therefore sweaty for basically hours, what do you do with your socks? If the answer is put them on the floor or let them sit in a bin-

You need to rethink your plan of action.

[And now, a short sigh.]

Socks should be the first things to wash! Even if laundry doesn't get done right away, socks should be kept as clean as possible! They're very important! It's bad enough I'm having trouble finding a good array of neckties again, so I can't believe I'm saying this, but they don't even have to match perfectly properly! They're... only socks, so not a lot of people will see them... If you wear one black sock and one white, I guess that's okay! Just as long as the other socks aren't rotting amongst themselves.

...And that's what you should know if you live with someone who likes doing your laundry.

I'm going to make tea.

liquid snake, edward elric, !triela

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