002 [video]

Nov 12, 2010 01:14

[It's not entirely clear where Kadaj is. Somewhere inside, with plain walls and flourescent lighting. He's frowning down at his CLD, looking rather ruffled, and there's a nice dark bruise developing on a cheekbone, just below his right eye.]

...Tch. So they all want a license, or money, or both- [He pauses, glancing away at the sound of a voice nearby, the words indistinct over the network.] Don't tell me what to do.

[The voice turns sharp, commanding, and Kadaj glares at whoever it belongs to, before turning back to the CLD with an irritable hiss through clenched teeth.]

They say they want to speak to my parents before they'll let me go, but I told them Mother isn't here. They say there must be someone looking after me- I'm not a child.

[The last part is more snapped at the person off-screen than whoever might be listening over the network. That voice is heard snapping back, just as impatient as Kadaj. Perhaps even more so. The Remnant's eyes narrow. Oh, he looks about ready to stab someone.]

Brother, they want to speak to you. You'd better hurry up and get here or I'm going to kill them all.

[And the feed cuts off abruptly. It might take a while for him to reply to anyone.]

rikku, liquid snake, !kadaj, big boss

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