Looking for Master (Video) 001

Oct 20, 2010 10:01

[[On the video feed, a blonde-haired, brown-eyed youth is looking intently at you. Well, he can't exactly see you, so he's not so much staring at you as he is at the device.

Once he realizes it's on, he begins to speak.]]

...Hello there! My name is Dug. I am very confused. That man who told me how to use this machine was not very clear, so I do not know how I am using this.

Oh, and that man also did not tell me why I am a man. I am not a man, I am a dog!

[[he frowns a little, still looking quite confused, but it seems that an idea has struck him causing him to smile]]

Has anyone seen a small mailman that smells like chocolate? Or maybe you have seen a man who smells like prunes and denture cream? He is my master. Oh, maybe there are other dogs here, too! Are there?

[[he sniffs the air once. slowly, he begins to look around up and at the sky]]

...And the weather does not seem normal today.

[[he lowers the device, now staring around]]

This place is not the rainforest.

[[after a moment or two, he bumps the device by accident, turning it off]

!dug, swoop, germany (ludwig), sonic, aqua, joshua kiryu, ami mizuno

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