Nov 03, 2010 21:10

Ariadne: Why hello there Bostonians! Isn't it a lo~vely day today! Now I know you're just all stuck in listening to me because of this dreadful, icky rain, so I'll make sure you have a really great time!

[She giggles]

First of all why don't we talk about the weather! I'm stuck here at the station until Friday, can you believe it? There's shared showers! I haven't bathed in shared showers since back at school! We'd all go down together and lather up under the warm water and clean each other's backs and hair while we giggled about boys. Oh, those were the days! I really miss school, don't you?

Okay so! [CLAP] That's enough about this ghastly rain! I went down to the Halloween party at Supernova on Sunday and it was really great! I met loads of nice people, and among them so many of the new mutants that woke up the other week. Everyone was really kind, and they bought me drinks and danced with me and showed off their bee-ee-ay-youtiful costumes! I was so impressed!

The Supernova club gave out prizes for the best costumes, and the winners really did their best! I met the third prize winner before the prizes were announced--I bet he just loved what he got!

Ooh, and this one man had such a lovely accent! I recorded everything he said just for you to hear because it was so nice!

[A man's voice in German, the sound of pounding music throbbing in the background and voice underneath it.]

"Entweder, das werte Fräulein lässt baldmöglichst meinen Arm los, oder ich behalte mir vor, sie mit nach Hause zu nehmen. Dort schneide ich sie von der Kehle bis zum Becken auf, ordne ihre Organe neu an und behalte eine ihrer Nieren für meine persönliche Sammlung."*

Isn't that just soooo romantic? I just love the foreign languages that the mutants bring in with them. Does anyone know what he said? You know how to phone in~~!

Now while we're waiting for callers why don't we all listen to a little music.

[Two and a half minutes later.]

You're listening to Ariadne, and that was Ginny Simms with Just One of Those Things.

So now, how about our first caller! Hello, you're on air!

((*ooc translation for german speaking characters: "Either the little miss lets go off my arm pretty soon, or I reserve myself the right to take her home. There I will cut her open from her throat down to her pelvis, rearrange her organs, and keep one of her kidneys for my personal collection."))

*radio, l lawliet, sonic, *eyewitness, *ariadne harris, red medic, germany (ludwig), kazuhira miller, aqua

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