Well I posted my video on YouTube on time yesterday, but then I forgot to make an entry here haha. Always behind! But anyway... on to the exciting news!!!
I took back first place back! I know it's not the end of the competition, but being able to get myself back to the top of the leader board made me super pumped!!!
Click HERE to see the Leader Board! I also took my measurements yesterday. So here are my starting and current stats!
Weight: Start -270.8 lbs Current - 237.6 lbs (-33.2lbs)
Waist: Start -43 inches Current - 39 inches (- 4 inches)
Hips: Start - 55.5 inches Current - 52 inches (-3.5 inches)
Thighs: Start - 31.75 inches Current 30 inches (-1.75 inches)
Calves: Start - 16 inches Current 16.35 (+ .35 inches) UGH
Upper Arm: Start - 15 inches Current 13.5 (- 1.5 inches)
Neck: Start 15 inches Current 14 inches (-1 inch)
And now onto my video update!! Big thanks to those of you who kept me motivated =)
For those of you who watch my videos, feel free to subscribe to my YouTube channel! I didn't even plan on having an active YouTube channel but I've seen such incredibly inspirational videos on there that now I'm all about it!
Hope everyone is doing great! Stay positive!!!
-Pretty T