(no subject)

Sep 30, 2007 11:41

Dear Sam,

Today is your second birthday. These last two weeks have been freezing in the mornings. Literally freezing. Then they calm down to nice-ish during the day and then later, it gets cold again. Everyone is sick because of this evil weather. Today, however, just like last year, is beautiful. It is a glorious day. It is the kind of day that renews one's faith in Something Greater. Again, like last year, it is sunny, and every time I walk outside there is an overwhelming smell of grass and sunshine. And I know that sunshine doesn't necessarily have a smell. But today it does. Last year it did. There is an overwhelming sense of peace today. Maybe that's me. But I'm thinking it's you, because this is how it was on your first birthday too.

Little Samuel, your mom is still one of the most courageous women I know. She moves forward and moves forward and keeps moving forward and some days, I don't know how she does it. But she does. You have a little brother now. I know you know this, because I'm almost positive you're there for his every breath, helping to keep him safe.

Today, your birthday, is not a day I will ever forget. Ever. Who you are is such a tremendous person. And though I don't know what you look like, I still sometimes think about you running around up there, watching over your mommy, daddy, sister and brothers.

I sent you some more balloons today Samuel, not as many as last year, but a good amount. I took Emily outside and she ran around and let them go too, blowing kisses at the sky and running in circles until she fell down, laughing and giggling.

I know you'll get them, and I know you'll keep watching.
Happy Birthday Samuel. :)
Melissa and Emily.


My camera has been eaten by my apartment, and it's out of batteries anyway. I hope you know that on this day you are thought of. I hope you know that you and yours are still in my nightly prayers. You're in my thoughts. I send positive vibes in your general direction constantly. And I hope that's not strange. But Samuel really touched me, especially since that dream I'm pretty sure I told you about. The one with Samuel and my grandpa? I'm pretty sure I told you. I hope it's not strange that I'm so affected. But I'm sure I'm not the only one. He is a tremendous little boy.

Again, I'm sorry there are no pictures this year to document anything. It was early morning anyway, and I probably would have forgotten the camera on my way out, even had it been found and operating correctly. But Samuel has balloons in heaven, and kisses from Emmy, and a couple tears from me and lots and lots of laughter. The kind of laughter that comes from spinning a child around and falling down in the grass together.

Lots of love to you and your family,
Melissa and Emily.
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