Stop SOPA before they gain control of the internet!

Dec 24, 2011 00:56

Ok, I know I haven't used this LJ in like an eternity and a half, but I assure you, it is me. J-ko. Jon. That guy who used to post random wacky crap all the time on here.

I still do, just more on Facebook. More on that another time.

Right now, I am spreading the word about this SOPA deal. If you don't know what SOPA is, it stands for Stop Online Piracy Act. There's alot to look through, and a simple Google search for 'SOPA' will get you a huge chunk of it.

But there's also this video which reveals a dirty little secret about SOPA's biggest supporters (CBS, Time Warner, Comcast, MSNBC...etc. I'm talking about really big big big major players here).

The same companies who are throwing millions of dollars at the SOPA act to get it to pass are the same companies who made millions on distributing the very "piracy software" in the first place!

Look, I know I haven't written anything with any real substance on LJ in a few years. But if you're still here and reading this, please click the link below and watch the video while it's still uploaded to YouTube. See the BS for what it truly is.

Thanks for reading, and I'll catch you guys later.

Proof SOPA supporters are the same companies that distributed the piracy software in the first place.
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