Jun 15, 2010 00:53
You know, maybe it was dumb of me. Maybe I was just wanting to feel something so bad that I convinced myself I actually felt it.
I don't want to believe that, but maybe I should...for my own sake.
Me: "I have to say something. I can't help it. I can't really say for sure if I'm in love with you...but I love you."
Her: ":) I love you too. I've been wanting you to say that for a while."
Me: "Haha really?"
Her: "Mmmhmmm, I wrote it on your arm while you were holding me one night, but when you asked I told you it said something else."
Me: "I knew it."
Her: "I love you, Warren."
Maybe I should at least be glad to know what it feels like to say it and believe that I mean it.
This is going to take way too long. I'm not strong.