Caught a bad bad cold! Blame it on my lack of iron, my frequent expeditions in crowded public places or even my whimpy winter hoodie. Either way I've contracted quite a bug and feel just absolutely awful and slimey. Two nights ago, a big group of us went out to see Semipro (hysterical!) and visit the local sex shop. No really. There were even two stops at two different Mcdonalds as well. Honestly, I knew this was coming. Most of the week I've felt lightheaded and had shortness of breath. It's no wonder that I would have a chest cold mutating inside of me! My poor upper respiratory system! This virus is certainly giving it a run for its money..
My bobby comes home tonight-- THANK GAWD. I really have missed him so much. As soon as I see him I'm going to cover him in kisses! I'm honestly excited to hear about his spring break. Hopefully he'll have been in the sunshine and be super tan..RWAR! I've really become quite attached in these past months. And thankfully so has he! After a year with someone I thought that giddy little school girl feeling is supposed to subside? That your oxytosin wears off and you take off your rosey glasses? Hmm. It hasn't happened to me yet! In fact sometimes I think it has gotten worse!
Now off to tackle the tomb that is I know this much is True by Wally Lamb, watch a Charley Manson documentary ("for fun") and get some shut eye. I hope we dream of each other again tonight xoxoxox