I too support
The Politics of Optimism.
Jones Soda is
planning a series of new bottle labels featuring LOLcat macro art. Finally.
The first ep of S2 of THE TUDORS is up
on Showtime’s website if you just cannot wait. But apparently that’s an edited version. Meanwhile, Salon calls the show “beautifully costumed
soft porn.” Yeah? And your problem with that is?
BATTLESTAR GALACTICA is starting next week (yay),
IN TREATMENT is ending this Friday (boo)…and soon after that my DVR will be overflowing with all the shows
coming back from strike-hiatus. Whoa!
New music is out from The Raconteurs, and me likey. First video
Also, a nifty new Spoon video
Think about cutting meat
out of your diet now and then - it’s The Green Thing To Do.
A list of Judd Apatow’s favorite
films. All worth seeing.
Joss-related-news: no surprise to see a DOCTOR HORRIBLE fansite pop up…but check out
this great video they have of NPH & Jason Segel singing. Very promising for Joss’s little webshow.
Promo ad for Showtime’s new import, THE SECRET DIARY OF A CALL GIRL. Hmmm.
Ian McKellan uses the words “the fevered imagination of slashers” in a sentence. *glee*
Thanks to BoingBoing, the source of this
skullphone art, which I used to see EVERYWHERE on the streets of LA, has been revealed. And why am I not surprised:
there’s merch! I first heard of this on Bill Maher’s show last Friday: Massachusetts Rep. Barney Frank is hoping to get a bill through the house to
decriminalize personal pot use in small amounts. Well. Good luck with that. *inhales*
The I <3 TORCHWOOD Department: Still squeeing over the last 3 eps. I've seen everything up to the wedding. Fun stuff! We Jack/Gwen fans have a lot to love right now - “unstated” or not, it’s CANON bitches. Terrific eps recently; the show is really proving itself as an adult-themed merger of BUFFY and THE X FILES. I just caught up with Pop Candy’s
podcast interview with Eve “Gwen” Miles, what a sweet lady. Plus…
Marsters returns! Love! Currently I am ignoring rumors/spoilers about the show that are swirling around. But io9.com seems to be hunting them all down, stringing them up, and stuffing them for our amusement, if any of you are looking. Meanwhile:
photos from John Barrowman’s wedding (erm, civil partnership) last year. Awww.
Zikes, what I wouldn't do to get one of these
framed BSG ads that a bunch of (mostly unappreciative) journalists received recently. Sigh.
OTOH...you might say that
this vinyl ad banner I JUST WON ON EBAY, might be a tad better, y/y? :D
Hilarious 1995
Newsweek piece about how the internet will never amount to much. [hat tip to
So do any of you have an opinion about the
web series SANCTUARY? Would I like it? I'm a BSG & FARSCAPE fan, but cannot get into the STARGATE shows. Yet I am intrigued by the concept that Tapping's character is 157 years old. Sounds like a merger of ANGEL and THE X FILES. ;)