IN TREATMENT - I am completely enthralled by this show - and hope some of you are watching it. Intense, intimate, real, scary, with many glimpses of actual soul. Incredible cast. Rodrigo Garcia is the showrunner (and the writer/director of the first few weeks of eps). Anyone who's ever seen
his two feature films will know he is a master of the subtle gesture, the important yet barely noticeable event. And that he understands how to get a great performance from his actors. You must see it. And have I mentioned how much Michelle Forbes pwns every scene she's in? Yeah.
LOST - blowing my mind! Adore it. I even enjoyed the much-maligned Juliet ep last week. For me, Juliet has always been fascinating - and I love, love, love Ben/Others flashbacks that give Ben backstory, and/or recontextualize past events from the Others' POV. Good times. Not only am I gleeful about the prospect of this and BATTLESTAR airing at the same time...hee hee...but I am also mystified by
the prospect of both shows having time anomaly issues. Obviously the Starbuck/BSG one is a lesser plot point, while in LOST it seems to have become the center of the show in S4. But still. It occurs to me that some of you might not understand the BSG reference of the clips leaked by some anonymous mystery man of Thrace/Lee/Anders (
see here, just after the new S4 intro tag) mentions that Starbuck's perception of how long she's been gone differs MIGHTILY from that of the ragtag fleet. So there's that. Fun!
TORCHWOOD - Uneven as always, but I love it! The good ones are so, so good. ADAM was my favorite ep so far this season (that's the one about memory). Very much enjoyed this week's ep (here in the USA that was the one where that glove gets used)...and continue to hope those oddball rumors about the show's future are wrong. I want my TW to remain as it is.
BREAKING BAD - Liked, not loved. The last ep was this past Sunday...wonder if it'll get renewed. Were any of you watching? The final scene of the 2nd to last ep, when "Mr. Clean" Walt threatened a buildingful of murderous homeys with his magical chemistry, was amazing.
I don't watch THE WIRE...but I was truly impressed by
this superbly classy piece the writers did for TIME MAGAZINE. Word.