LJ Idol Week #25 - "The Man Who Knew Too Little"

Jun 06, 2016 04:24

This is my entry for week #25 of therealljidol.


Good Boy

I've heard it said,
That people come into our lives
For a reason
Bringing something we must learn.
And we are led to those
Who help us most to grow if we let them.
And we help them in return. ~ From "Wicked" by Stephen SchwartzMy acting teacher said this to the class many years ago ( Read more... )

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lrig_rorrim June 9 2016, 15:15:54 UTC
So many parts of this resonated in so many ways - I've never been someone who thinks their emotions on a regular basis, but when I am deeply depressed (and hooboy depression can sneak up) that's one of the signs for me. I find myself saying "I must be angry now" or "I should be sad" because rationalizing about my emotions is the only way I can figure out what I allegedly should be feeling, when really I don't feel much of anything, or only despair. It's a sign, for me, to get myself off to therapy for a brain tuneup and also to go pet a kitty for the same reason. There's something about those small furry lovable jerks that just makes everything better. They depend on us, they clearly think they understand something of us, they have such awesome ways of being affectionate toward us. It's amazing. They have so many lessons to teach us. Including about grief, and emotions, and finding where they hid the hairballs they yacked up. I took care of my Stranger kitty in his last months, and that was amazingly hard, but gratifying to know I did what I could to make him comfortable and happy. Kudos to you for being a good human to a good cat, and kudos to Kitty for still being the fuzzy mastermind who keeps on giving after he's gone. And thanks for sharing this. It took me days to figure out what to even say, and I still think words are inadequate. Cats, man. Cats.

And just because, here's Stranger kitty being a purrito.


prog_schlock June 9 2016, 18:03:19 UTC
Oh, I usually wait until after I've replied to all entries to reply to my comments, but look at that happy kitty face! Stranger looks like he was a delightful, happy companion. That face!

More reply later.


prog_schlock June 11 2016, 15:02:31 UTC
About your major point - is never associated my disassociate from my emotions with my depression, but wow that makes so much sense. This is a possible good topic to bring up with my therapist the next time i see her. It never occurred to me that depression might have been impacting me for this long or in that way.

Thank you for reading and commenting and for that insight.


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