Mar 03, 2005 01:14
Ok party at Chelm on Friday... awesome.
I love this shit. Was just standing on the balcony beering it up and saw the thermometer which read 27 degrees. So grateful have have the worlds best air-con.
Time for a plug... the WASA's (West Australian Screen Awards) are on March 12 at his maj and they are always the shit. For a pathetic $50 you get free piss and food and the chance to support me! Get your asses down there for more awesomeness than you have ever seen.
In other news the animal of today is the gofer. So small. So smelly.
Had crazy shit go down at Rosie tonight. Me, Golbs and Joe were discussing finance in the car park (and drinking Passion Pop) when this dog fell out of the back of this ute and was hanging by it's let in more pain than a cunt. Joe and I lifted the fucker back in to the car and smelt like dog for the eve but got the joy of feeling like we did something good.
LoVe and LuNcHbOxEs,