the christian libertarian case against abortion is basically the same as everyone else but i would argue that we libertarians should be far more gravely concerned than your average conservative. before i go further i must point out the obvious. i am not a woman and i don't for a moment presume to understand the kind of torment it must cause spiritually. i simply feel that this issue is too big to ignore.
so as i was saying, libertarians should feel strongest on this one but i'd go further. i think all christians have to see it like this.
a human has the unique distinction of being made in gods image. the most obvious evidence of this i think is our creativity. we can make glass from sand. this hallmark we have inprinted on us all gives a human life infinite value. a human has only to exist to have value beyond what we can imagine. obviously existance for us starts at conception so even if life as comonly described by scientists starts after 20 weeks it's irelivant.
if you have this worth because you exist, abortion is basically murder. you have intentionally snuffed out the existance of a person. this where christian libertarians should be concerned. libertarians believe in self ownership, i believe in god ownership but self stuardship. no matter how you cut that it's clear that we really have no right to go in and murder somebody for any reason. christians and in particular christian libertarians should be up in arms!
over 200.000 abortions in Britain last yer. 2235 abortions for every adoption. theese are facts which simply highlight what a vile and depraved people we are. we all nee to face reality, none of us are capable of changing it. we need to be saved by grace through faith in Christ.
when Christ returns his rightfull fury will be vented on a humanity that simply put up with this carnage. please please repent. i want you to know that the god i write about has saved me from facing his furious wrath. i couldn't come to him, hes god. god the father couldn't look on me with favour, not just for what i'd done but for the horific things i just put up with. abortion being a grizly example.
someone had to live that sinles life i couldn't live then shed blood and die in my place. in order for that to happen and for it to be perminant this person would have to be man and god. that's Jesus.
your life is so meaningfull that god would come as a man and be murdered for you that his blood may atone for the disgusting and unholy mess you've made. trust me it happenned to me. my life and yours have that value.
so my last point is obvious. in light of all this, how dare we turn and walk away from abortion as thousands are murdered.
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