Remember: Surveillance Also Used To Crush Political Dissent Some highlights:
- FISA, originally passed in 1978 in response to Richard Nixon spying on political opponents, has been defanged and twisted into a Bizarro World version of itself by subsequent legislation
- In the last three years, the FISA court has rubber-stamped almost 5 000 government requests and rejected NONE
- The legal definition of "terrorism" no longer requires violence, and simply hurting a corporation's bottom line is adequate
- Corporations are hiring former PSYOPS specialists to muck with protestors
- Undercover police officers are being used as agent provocateurs
- The US government has given itself the right to indefinitely detain - without trial - anybody, even a US citizen, as a terrorism suspect
Weren't these all the sorts of things Americans used to bring up when ranting about the Nazis and Eastern Bloc nations? Big Capitalism, Big Brother.