Hello, lovely LJ friends,
I wrote in my previous post that
I have been blogging regularly on my own website. Against any likelihood suggested by my own past history with blogging anywhere other than LJ, this remains true, three months later. I have succeeded in writing at least one essay of some variety per week at
blog.jmac.org, even if I don't have an interesting title or layout for the site yet.
What I do have as of this evening, though, is a LiveJournal syndication account for it. I am pleased to inform you that you can add
jmac_rss to your friend page, and you should read all my new posts from over yonder as I post them. I've noticed that the entries on that page right now seem to be in a rather scrambled order, even though all their dates are right... but, I expect subsequent posts to stack up in an unsurprising fashion.
(And as
my most recent entry there says, I have recently plugged my old LJ friends page back into my own RSS reader, so I hope to start interacting more with y'all again. I miss you!)