The LiveJournal/DreamWidth Coprosperity Sphere still rocks the hizzle when it comes to getting stuff done locally. After failing to divest myself of "The Monolith" after a year of occasional posts to the
prog LJ, to Craig's List, and to Freecycle, a single post to
davis_square on Saturday did the trick. I got two email enquiries almost immediately, the first of which resulted in a successful haul-away just a few hours ago.
What also helped was a helping of focus I applied to this project, spending Friday night dragging the Monolith around and applying all my set-dressing skills to shoot
the two extraordinarily contrived photographs found on that post, improvising props out of various objects from around the house. Compare them to
the bland photo I took two summers ago. I can sell an image when I choose to put my back into it, I think!
I will also take this opportunity to say that I don't really understand quite how HDR photography works -- I haven't read about it outside of the paragraph that my iPhone's manual devotes to it -- but its results are pretty damned magical.
And then no fewer than three Monolith owners, past and present (I didn't know until recently that it has a twin, owned by the twin brother of the friend who gave it to me!) left comments on that post, reminiscing about this most unusual piece of furniture and answering other petitioners' questions. I couldn't ask for anything more than that.
People can be awesome about the silliest things.
Now that we come to it, I say goodbye to the monolith with a touch of melancholy. I love giving things away, but this was a lot of... a lot of raw mass to give away all at once, really, and the fact I was doing so not for my usual selfish reasons but to promote domestic tranquility (read:
classicaljunkie hated its particle-board guts) made its departure a little sad for me. But I'm happy I managed to make a memorable event out of it, and even a successful little art project. That's a fair trade!