Today's Gameshelf column:
Similar Journeys in Very Different Games, on how a puzzle hunt I played over the weekend is like Shadow of the Colossus. I like it.
I have quietly modified my internal definition of The Gameshelf to be less the home base for my video series of the same name, and more the home of my weekly-ish column on games. I have lately been regarding this regular column experiment as the best personal decision I've made since incorporating Appleseed.
I will continue to work on video projects, as inspiration strikes. In fact, I don't plan on making this change of tack "official" until after I publish the video I've currently got laid out on the editing table, and which I hope to have done before June. (It'd be sooner, but I have to prepare a presentation on Planbeast first, whee.) But I have come to accept that, while I love working with video, writing is the only creative endeavor that I can actually accomplish with any regularity at all.
When I titled my first LJ post about my new columns "
Yay I shipped something", I wasn't just being flippant. I was actually thrilled to have started and then completed a creative project within a reasonable amount of time. Since then, I've written several more columns, some of which I actually like, and several of which have netted some nice and unexpected feedback from various sources. It's encouraged me to start pitching column ideas at magazines and other websites, and I feel optimistic about where that in turn might lead.
Clearly, I'm pretty good at this, and I like doing it. Just as clearly, would be foolish to not react appropriately.