This week is crazy; something happening every day to bust up my schedule, and with layers of crisis on top of that. Cannot complain because there are exciting opportunities afoot too, but it's frustrating not to be able to commit much time to implementation, especially since I still feel like I just got home from abroad.
I didn't do any work-work over the weekend because I needed to de-stress after the vacation, and I did this by producing another Jmac's Arcade. I haven't had the time to actually upload it anywhere, which sounds silly, but I wanna do it right and redesign first. The site looks kind of terrible in the wake of the most recent redesign. It'll get done soon enough, and you will like it.
Here's a couple of things I may attend this week:
I'll go to
Post Mortem tonight if I can put a bit of a buffer between me and the enormous 8-ball rolling behind me, rumble rumble. (Feeling kind of pessimistic about this now. Boy I sure do love writing LJ posts. LA LA LA.) An upcoming opportunity on the Appleseed side of things encourages me to stir the local-game-doodz networking pot, but it's not like I can't do that anywhere else.
I am planning on attending the next
Information Superhighway shindig at Harvard Square, this coming Saturday night. I had a lot of fun at the last one, and this one apparently has guests and speakers involving both homemade TV and the board game Diplomacy, both of which are relevant to my interests right now.