The McCain campaign decided to let Palin do as she please, and she's responded by encouraging
entire crowds to hurl obscenities at their own media coverage, shout racial epithets, and call for murder.
Some pale that it sounds like the start of a lynch mob, but I disagree; they have no teeth left for that, and anyway that works best only when nobody's watching, which is hardly the case. No, the other side, smelling defeat, has nothing left to do but spend the campaign's waning weeks lolling about in their own filth, being stroked by their gibbering base. May they enjoy their one last decadent month before they sink into the bog forever.
Tonight's debate is going to suck to watch, though. Expect McCain to all but insinuate that Obama is suppressing photographs of himself, Bill Ayers, Rev. Wright and Matt Damon cackling together over a bomb-making bench.
I'll be here liveblarghing it again, regardless.