
Aug 24, 2008 00:12

GameLoop was fun and rewarding. Met lots of people and took lots of notes. I feel like I'm more solidly part of the Boston game developer community now, for what that's worth. Yey. Talked about Volity more than I thought I would, and Gameshelf less than I hoped. Talked about Project X as much as expected.

Project X development is back underway, finally. Have begun work on the graphics, and since I'm aiming low on the prettiness for now, it really is just a simple matter of programming at this point. This means I am using XNA again, and I'm finding the XNA forums to be quite handy, even having a question I posed answered quickly and intelligently. (Sadly, I just had to drop its RSS feed after a brief trial, since far too many of the new threads at any time are of the HOW I MAEK GAME LOL variety. Unsurprisingly.)

Business-wise, Project X got a Kick of Mixed Blessing recently, which I shan't write about here. It will take another week or two to resolve. Like all good kicks, it added lots of sudden velocity, but made the direction uncertain. Ask me again in two weeks.

project x, the game industry

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