I finished the main quest in Oblivion and then immediately threw away all my fortune and glory to fight in gladitorial combat in the Imperial Arena. I got a real kick out of this - I felt like the CRPG Andy Kaufman.
But then I finished that quest-line and still I kept playing, so I gave the disc to
classicaljunkie to hold in escrow until further notice. I have accomplished stuff since then using time that I know I woulda pissed away Oblivionating instead.
My beard is fully grown in, by which I mean I've had to start trimming it. I really like it! My facial hair is thickest in the goatee area, and it matches my top-of-head hair nicely when so isolated. (And I feel like I can go longer without a haircut this way, too.) I'll have to hack it off for the next Gameshelf shoot (whenever that is) but it will come right back. afterwards.
I've been meeting my daily billable-hours goals well enough, and have been finding success cautiously looking for ways to slowly grow my business - I have enough experience, personal and vicarious, to convince me that any other way isn't worth doing. (Also, I have played many gams of Sim City in my day, and I know what happens if you build, say, 10 power plants just because you have $10,000 in the bank.) I'm still shy of seeing to Project X every day, but I've been attending to it maybe every other day, which isn't terrible.
My attention is cycled away from all other projects right now. I know myself too well to fret about this; the motivation will come 'round again. But some people are waiting on at least a modicum of a volity webclient release, and I have started to nudge that around again but i'm not exactly champing at the bit about it.