I didn't think I'd like Super Smash Bros Brawl, and I'd surely like it a lot less if
classicaljunkie and I didn't live around a lot people who love to play chaotic button-mashy fighty party games, but we do, so I do. CJ might dig it more than me, actually, since she's also into the single-player modes and the trophy-collection hook.
I used to play the previous game (Melee) at
mrmorse's occasionally, and usually felt like I had little control over the action, whanging away at the buttons and making my character do random stuff. After a little bit of practice with my own copy of the game, my random-whanging rate's down to maybe 75 percent, and that makes a big difference.
Jmac tip for beginners: The first combo move to learn is the the up-special smash, which is (almost) every character's fall-recovery technique. When you can pull it off without panicking, you can save yourself from falling off the screen more often than not. Mess around in the Solo Training level for a few minutes to get the hang of it. With the standard remote + nunchuk controller setup, you trigger it by tapping up and pressing B.
We unlocked R.O.B. last night, and for whatever reason I'm very good with him. Also his green-metal look is quite attractive. Pikachu was my first good character, but whenever I bust him out among friends they all become venomous with anti-Pikachu hysteria, making me the biggest target. So Mr. P has transformed into my gutsy inviting-everyone-to-bring-it character.
I'd post my SSBB friend-code but my Wii is at CJ's and I don't know. Someday I'll get it together. I wish it were easier, but so does everyone else.
This VGCats comic does an excellent job summarizing the three different consoles' approach to online play, with Nintendo's being especially poignant.