After a hard day's work (for serious), watching Lost via They upgraded their video player in such a way that the ads are bigger, which is nice, except that it doesn't work on my G5 any more and plays with lotsa sound hiccups on my laptop, enough to drive me kinda bonkers. I'd totally pay $2/pop to iTMS to download and watch pristine Quicktime versions, but since that's no longer an option, it's for me!
It's a race; I may end up watching all the current eps online anyway just from impatience, but we'll see.
I wasn't looking forward to season 4, but
ruthling gave it the thumbs-up in her LJ recently and that sold me, since our feelings on the show have historically run about the same. (It's got tons of cool stuff, and tons of really annoying stuff. Arrrgh, so much annoying stuff. But... but the cool stuff!)
Understood that isn't as unread as I thought. Very good.
I'm going to resume my hunting for cross-posting solutions later. Someone has to have solved this problem correctly, by now...